Thursday, November 27, 2008

Things I'm Thankful For (The I can't eat another bite edition)

1. I'm thankful for simple moments and the joy I find in them. I had one this morning - downstairs in my pajamas, baking my cobbler in my beautiful kitchen, looking out the window at my garden still wet with rain from earlier this morning. And my beautiful hot pink roses that seemed to be enjoying the first rain of the season. Or the other day while I was walking and saw the trees filled with the most breathtaking fall leaves, all golden yellow and vibrant red, I just had to take a few home with me. I don't think I've picked up a leaf in twenty years, maybe more. Simple moments.

2. I'm thankful for my family - that my family is healthy and that we sat around the table for yet another year and like always, didn't eat a bite until my mom said grace. No one could sum up a year of thankfulness in a few sentences like that lady (and she makes a mean dinner, too.) I'm thankful for my sweet nephew Nick, who let me hold him today (he is almost two, so that doesn't always come easily). I love playing hide and seek with him and hearing him mutter his first few words - today I heard bird and ball. So cute! I'm thankful for little Zoe who is on the way and all of the pinky, fluffy goodness that will come with the first girl in the family.

3. I'm thankful for my Tim and the gift of finding a true partner in life. It isn't always glamorous or perfect, but at the end of the day, we really love each other. Who else would go to three grocery stores to try to track down the right fruit for my cobbler. And I'm thankful for his family who has been so warm and welcoming to me from the very beginning. We are so lucky to have them all close by.

4. I'm thankful for my friends, including all of you, my fellow "blogging" friends. You make me feel heard and I love to stop by and visit you at the end of my day.

5. And lastly, I'm thankful for my Rio, who is so much more than just a cat. She is a trusted friend and companion. Rio, you are a furry little bundle of unconditional love and entertainment.

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving and that in the craziness of the day, you had a chance to stop and think of the things and people you are thankful for. Many blessings to you and your families, my dear friends.

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