Sunday, May 11, 2008

Six on Sunday

1. I heart Ratatouille. Cutest movie I've seen in a long time. And it's all about France. What's not to love there.

2. Happy Mother's Day! Although I am not an actual mom yet, I celebrate the day with so many people in mind. To me, your mother is the person who you want there in your most desperate hour and in your most joy-filled moment. I know that my mother is always there for those moments with me. I love you mom. I hope you had a fun day today.

3. Oh boy, was it a busy week at work! So many men buying those last minute (and ever so practical) gifts. Pots, pans, toasters, and waffle makers. I'm sure they are being enjoyed as we speak. I had to laugh at the man who purchased rubber cleaning gloves and dish soap for his wife. Enough to make you feel sorry for the poor gal. At least they were pink, right?

4. I know today must be a tough day for Tim's sister Erin. She is still having a difficult time. If only there was something we could do to lift her spirits.

5. I am doing the cutest favors for Ryan's baptism! Photos coming soon.

6. I am planning on adopting a new cat soon. I haven't been able to bring myself to fill Roxy's shoes yet. But Rio needs a pal, stat! And we have a lot of love to share. We are good cat parents.

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