Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Godmother in Training

Tim and I went to Godparent class tonight at St. Killian's in preparation for Baby Ryan's baptism on June 22nd. I never had godparents and have never been a godmother, so I wasn't really sure what to expect from the process. It is a really big honor and a role I am excited to play in Ryan's life. Tonight at the class, the deacon encouraged us all to write a letter to our godchild to present to them at the baptism. I can't wait to do that and maybe I will share it when I am done. What I feel for him, and all of my nephews, is a sense of honor to share in their journey in life. I want to be a friend to them all, that person who sneaks them an extra cookie when their moms aren't watching. But even more than that, I want to be a person they can trust and look up to.
Here is a small print that I ordered as one of Ryan's presents. I thought it was fitting because the Lord's Prayer is something my mom and I said every night when I was little. Ryan's room also has a farmish theme, so these sheep will fit right in. Cute huh?
This and many other paper treasures can be found at Saratam's Shop at

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