Friday, July 18, 2008

Aunt Christmas

Why the Christmas picture, you ask? I just have to share the fact that none of my nephews (so far) have been able to pronounce my name properly when they are first learning to talk. Uncle Tim comes easily to them, but for some reason, Aunt Kristin puts a lot of letters together that these boys just aren't so comfortable with. I've been Auntie K, Anshmitzen, and now somehow, I am Aunt Christmas (at least to 3 year old Drew). I guess there are worse names he could call me, but still! I'm holding out hope for Nick and Ryan who still have time to get it right! If not, I guess we will just be known as Uncle Tim and Aunt Christmas.


Athena is a ... said...

At the rate we're going, Nick will call you either ABA or NGUH, which is pretty much what he calls me and the animals too.

Rosemary said...

I love it!! So cute!!
Christmas is good!