Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Crazy Animal Lady

Dear Kind of Mean Lady with a Dog
on the path in Dove Canyon,
I'm sure that you thought I was trying to kidnap your dog today. I could not help it that I noticed your dog on the trail while I was walking and he was walking all by himself. I was going to be a good citizen and help him find his way home if he was lost. I said "here puppy, puppy" about 12 seconds before I saw you there. And you looked at me like I was a crazy dog napper. I didn't want your mangey old dog anyway.
Anonymous Good Citizen/Dove Canyon Walker (me)
That is what I get for being such an animal person.
It reminded me of something similar that my mom did when I was little. We were driving home from school one day and saw a little white puppy on a sidewalk with no collar. We stopped and picked him up. I did what any 7 year old would do - convinced my mom that we should keep her. My mom made signs and posted them in our neighborhood. She said that if we didn't find the owner, we could keep her. I prayed that no one would call to retrieve the cute puppy, but of course, they did. We drove the puppy home and it just so happened that her "home" was the exact spot we had picked her up from. We actually un-intentionally kidnapped the dog from her own front yard! The owner said "she never leaves the yard, where did you find her?" My mom was too embarrassed to tell her the truth.
Mom, I know how it feels to be the crazy animal lady.

1 comment:

Julia said...

I love this post. I would have said, "here puppy, puppy" too so if that makes you crazy, I'm right there with you.

Just last month, a co-worker found an old, one-eyed lab and posted pictures at work. I found myself obsessing over finding a home for that dog. I need help!

Finally, the co-worker convinced her husband to let her keep the lab. Who by the way had heartworms. $600.00 later they're in love with their new, sweet one-eyed lab.

I had to actually tell myself to "stop".....and move on. I just have a very soft spot in my heart for lost dogs. Even if they are in there own yards with no human around...and they just look "lost."