I never knew Alison Kline, or even knew of her before a few days ago. But she, simply by being her and writing about her life (as we all do here in blog world) changed my life. I stumbled upon her blog on Saturday evening and read it cover to cover. Her blog, not unlike my own, chronicled her day to day, from her love of peach ice cream to her dilema over which color to paint her adorable kitchen. It followed her husband to Japan where he was stationed for 6 months and was her sounding board during his time away - the place where she confided all of the things she wanted to do to surprise him when he finally got back home. And then, it took a turn that you would not expect it to take.
That you could not imagine happening to someone so beautiful, so happy and so young. Alison was diagnosed with cancer after going to the doctor for back pain. She fought a battle with courage and bravery and never made one post that had the least bit of self pity in it. She was full of hope and grace. As I read posts closer to August of this year, her husband started posting in her place, implying that Alison was simply too sick to write. Alison lost her battle with cancer on August 5,2008. Her story reminded me how simply fragile life is. How one day you can be worrying about something small, never thinking that you may only have one or two years left to live and enjoy your life. We should all live our lives in a way that brings us joy and not sweat the small stuff. The things that really warrant worrying are the things that blindside us when we are least expecting them and not one ounce of worry can change that.
Although I didn't know them, I am devastated for her husband and family. What a tragic loss of such a remarkable person.
To read more about Alison's touching journey, visit her blog at http://mrsladystaroftheseabreezes.blogspot.com/.
1 comment:
Thank you for sharing this. It absolutely touched my heart.
My heart breaks for her husband and family.
Life is so precious and way too short.
Sunbonnet Cottage
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